

As a commitment to be world class manufacturing company, SAGA was followed many events to improve our factory’s system in aspects productivity, quality, delivery and others. One of them is TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) which conducted by one of our customers i.e. PT. ASTRA DAIHATSU MOTOR. PT. ADM is one of big 4 wheels manufacture companies in Indonesia. This event have a purpose to make a bonding between PT. ADM and their suppliers so that the suppliers and customers have a sense of belonging, want to move forward and be better together for our business in years to come.

TPM activity at SAGA started on august 2021, and this activity was full supported by Top Management so that it can be full implemented until the final session. Firstly, TPM team created an organization structure which followed by various department at SAGA e.g. Production, Quality, Engineering, Warehouse and Marketing. SAGA’s TPM team called TPM SAHIMAS and advisored by our Director directly. The team have a slogan Mesinku sehat, Rezeki lancar which means if our production machine have a good condition and well-maintenanced, productivity and quality of the product would be good and directly affected our fortune.

After build the basic aspect, TPM SAHIMAS take next step according to the TPM event by PT. ADM which is Coaching and Mentoring. This event held both online and offline from august to December 2021 with purpose to explain all about TPM, activity schedule and the final result that we expected. TPM SAHIMAS did a Kick off and Campaigned TPM activity and followed by all department representatives to build mindset change, especially for production department’s members. Mindset that have to be change is production machine is not responsibility of maintenance department but operator its self. So that the operators have to maintain, taking care, cleaning and repairing by them self.

TPM SAHIMAS have a future plan, that TPM activity will be develop as bigger as it can be and do a yokotenkei for other machines. TPM SAHIMAS received certificate as one of suppliers PT. ADM whom successfully implemented the TPM activity on 17th February 2022 conducted by online meeting. This activity succeed not only because willingness of TPM SAHIMAS and support from Top Management’s SAGA but also guidances, coaching and full support from TPM committee of PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor. Hopefully the end of TPM activity conducted by PT. ADM will be a good start for the next step of TPM SAHIMAS to be bigger and being a world class manufacture company. SAGA’s ready to keep going, continue to improve and compete in the world wide.