
UPGRADE OHSAS 18001 TO ISO 45001 ( 23-24 JANUARY 2020 )

PT. Saga Hikari Teknindo Sejati is always committed to improve the health and safety of our employees. It was proved by the certification of OHSAS 18001 for Health and Safety System since 2011. In 2018, there was a change in Health and Safety Management System from OHSAS 18001 to become ISO 45001.

Therefore we upgrade the system to ISO 45001:2018 accordingly. The new standard gives the strong and effective framework to minimise the risk in the process and create a working place that are safe and healthy for our employee, contractors, supplier, and visitors who are in the factory environment. Not only that, ISO 45001 emphasize the role of Top Management to Health and Safety Management System and involvement of all stakeholders to achieve the goal instead of appointing a Management Representative.

It is also can be seen from our company policy to maintain the health and safety of our employees and to prevent work accident, potency of work accident and sickness because of working condition. Our Top Management focus on the effectiveness of the implementation of Health and Safety of the employees by planning, measuring and controlling the system. Therefore the health and safety working environment can be achieved as also requested by our customers.